Research Projects and guidance for Scientific Paper Writing

美国所有顶级大学都是研究型学校。在招收大学生时,这些大学除了对学生的“学习能力”有严格的标准外 ,近年来,他们也注重学生的“科研能力”。而撰写和发表科学论文是证明自己在“研究能力”方面表现卓越的最好方法。我们的“文章写作和发表“课旨在训练高中学生进行文献搜索,批判思维训练,科研论文撰写和发表。它将帮助学生在同行中脱颖而出,从而拿到著名的大学录取通知书,并为将来大学甚至研究生课程的学术研究奠定坚实的基础。

All the top universities in USA are research-based schools. When recruiting students, these top universities not only have rigorous standards on students’ "learning ability", but also emphasize "research ability" in recent years. Writing and publishing a scientific article is the best way to demonstrate your excellence in “research ability”.  Our “writing and publication” program aims to train students to do literature search, write up and publish scientific articles. It will help students stand out from their peers, land offers from prestigious universities, and lay a solid foundation for future academic research in university and even graduate studies.